Samuel Peter Rolt Triscott (1846–1925)

About the Artist

Samuel Peter Rolt Triscott was a marine painter, photographer, and teacher. He was born in England, where he studied both civil engineering and painting. While in London, he studied under Philip Mitchell and at the Royal Institute of Painters in Watercolors. He came to the United States in 1871 and set up a successful studio in Boston. A specialist in watercolors, he became an influential teacher in this medium. He was a member of the Boston Art Club and the Boston Society of Watercolor Painters.

During the 1880s and 1890s he exhibited paintings of a wide variety of New England subjects. He exhibited at the Boston Art Club (1880–1905), the American Watercolor Society (1898), the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts (1892–1893), the Brooklyn Art Association (1881–1882), and the Art Institute of Chicago (1889–1902).

He came to Monhegan for the first time in 1892 with Sears Gallagher, at the suggestion of artist William Claus. Triscott bought a house on the island in 1893, summering on Monhegan and wintering in Boston. By 1902 he was living on the island year-round, the first artist to do so.

His work is held in the Monhegan Museum of Art and History and the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston.

Sources: White Mountain Art and Artists; Rizolli Electa, New York

In the Woods, Monhegan, ca. 1900. Samuel Peter Rolt Triscott (1846 – 1925). Watercolor on paper, Monhegan Museum of Art and History. Gift of Remak Ramsay #3040.


Frankie Brackley Tolman