Join the Conversation
The complex challenges we face will only be solved when we come together, listen to one another, and think holistically and creatively about solutions…from the ground up.
With each season, From the Ground Up creates space for conversations about climate, conservation, and communities—both human and wild. We welcome many points of view and lived experiences, and we aim to add new voices to the conversation with each issue. We invite you to join us in one or more of the following ways.
With each issue, we strive to include thoughtful, high-quality articles, essays, opinion pieces, artwork, and poetry that cultivate open conversations. We proactively make space for voices of those who have historically been ignored, marginalized, or disenfranchised. We carefully look at each submission, asking:
Does the piece reflect and encourage collaborative and respectful conversations about climate, conservation, and/or communities?
Does the piece demonstrate integrative, balanced approaches and ways of knowing?
Is the intent of the piece clear?
Does the piece demonstrate or complement integrated approaches to conservation, as outlined in the Wildlands, Woodlands, Farmlands & Communities vision?
Is there solid, supporting evidence for any points that are presented as facts?
Can the piece help lead to transformative, healing actions for New England communities, human and/or wild?
Ways to Contribute
Letter to the Editors
Write a letter to the editor about a piece you've seen in one of our issues. 100-250 words. Email
Opinion pieces
Share your opinion on an issue related to a piece you have seen here, our publication’s mission, or more generally on conservation, climate, and/or communities. 300-1000 words. Email
Essays & Articles
Send us an idea or proposal for a personal essay or a more in-depth, fact-based article that explores the intersection of climate, conservation, and communities. Please send a summary of your idea to
Reflections - Artwork & Poetry
We believe that art, in its various forms, creates deeper connections that go beyond words. If you’re a photographer, illustrator, painter, poet, sculptor, or musician who cares about our connection to Nature and to one another, please reach out to us. Send us a sample of your work. If you have a portfolio, please send us a link. Email
Conservation in Action
Send us press releases or other written pieces containing information about projects that are actively advancing conservation in New England. We also welcome reflections about recent events and conferences in this section. Email
Policy Desk
If you are involved in a piece of legislation that is relevant to conservation in New England, or there’s legislative news you want to share (at the national, state, or municipal level), please send an email to the attention of Alex Redfield at
Bulletin Board
Submit an announcement, upcoming event, or current job opening to our Bulletin Board. All we will need from you is a title, an image (1150x770), and a URL link containing more information. For events, we’ll also need dates, times, locations.
Contribute to our growing Bookshelf. If there's a book you'd like to share with the From the Ground Up community, please provide a short synopsis of why you like the book and how you find it relevant to conservation/climate/communities in New England.
Share links to videos, podcasts, and articles that you believe are relevant to From the Ground Up readers. View the contents of issue #5 Read. Watch. Listen. for inspiration.
Submissions Timeline
Below are the deadlines for our upcoming issues:
Spring 2025: Pitches due by January 3. Completed submissions due by February 1. Publishes in early March.
Summer 2025: Pitches due by April 4. Completed submissions due by May 1. Publishes in early June.
Autumn 2025: Pitches due by June 15. Completed Submissions due by July 1. Publishes in early September.
Note: If your pitch is accepted, we will discuss appropriate compensation for your contribution.
Share Your Thoughts
Our Reader Survey is a quick and easy way for you to help shape future issues. Please take the survey to share your thoughts about From the Ground Up and to contribute your suggestions for writers, artists, and topics that inspire you and might inspire others.
From the Ground Up is a quarterly publication that embodies the vision of Wildlands, Woodlands, Farmlands and Communities (WWF&C)—a collaborative conservation initiative of organizations and individuals working together toward a collective vision for the future of New England and the six states it comprises.